This is the place where you can "Take Action" and get involved.  The links below will allow you to make either a formal police report, or submit information anonymously regarding suspicious or criminal activity that you may have witnessed or been made aware of.

We should remain alert and vigilant at all times, and all citizens have a moral obligation to help protect their neighbors and the Village as a whole.  If everyone does their part, we can significantly reduce crime and potentially save lives.  Heroes are made of unselfish acts.  Simply do the right thing...even when no one else is watching.

Any person(s) who abuse this system or provide false information will be prosecuted in accordance with either the Spring Grove Municipal Code or the Illinois State Statutes.  This tool is provided as a way for our residents to join in making our Village a safer and better community and should not be used to incite or advance petty quarrels.  The Spring Grove Police Department will monitor all activities submitted via this site and will act accordingly.